Tuesday, December 13, 2005

And so it begins....

I don't know what finally compelled me to create my own blog...was it the incessant insistence of some of my friends? Was it the urge to just do somethinggg with my life, no matter how useless? Was it the inherent desire to prove to the world that I, too, was born with the capability to write if I wanted to...or was it actually just to see how many people would be stupid enough to read my useless rantings?!!? *sigh* I wish I knew...and more than that, I really wish I knew what I should be writing here...after all, this is my FIRST post on my blog...people might actually read it...first impressions are important according to some, ain't they?!

Right now the first concern that pops into my mind is that I somehow need my 'probability' course book by tomorrow evening...for some reason, all the piracy-promoting stores in Lahore don't have this particular book! I have a quiz day after tomorrow, and I actually told me'self that I'd 'study' this quarter...yeah, I wanna make my parents proud of their 'freshie' daughter!! hehe...yuuup, this whole 'freshie' business! It's another big issue with me these days. Not really with ME actually, more with all those so-called we're-too-cool-for-you sophos and juniors who we've had the misfortune of getting to know thanks to lumun...they just like to believe it's their birth-right or moral obligation to bombard us with their spontaneous anti-'freshie' insults and sarcasm...as if we don't know that the real trouble is that they're too thick to learn our real names *smirk*...but they're our seniors and we ain't allowed to complain or retaliate...*sigh*...I question - is this miserable plight the true picture of an innocent freshman's destiny...???!

*disclaimer* Nothing in this post or the ones that'll follow is meant to offend anyone; everything has been said in a purely sarcastic (hopefully!) and friendly spirit, so please don't take it in any other way :) oh n' anyone who stumbled across this blog and is rolling their eyes right now, please do visit again...I promise I'll get better...c'mon, this was my first shot at it! :)


Blogger Blink said...

here u goo honeyy
ur very first coment
good job btw
nice post

December 13, 2005 9:55 PM  
Blogger Shiza M. said...

Atta girl...
and sice you are family I am linking you already...:P
i love the mood of the blog though...

December 15, 2005 7:42 PM  

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