Saturday, December 17, 2005


I noticed that most of the people whose blogs I read have made a post about their lumun experience. Not wanting to be left behind, I decided to make my own contribution to the aspect even if it's kind of late now. But instead of a usual post I'm going to list down the stuff that the experience taught me.

So, in no particular order, the top 15 lessons that I learnt during LUMUN'05 are that :-

1. the PDC machine will always overflow the cup when you're trying to make cappucino, so you have to rely purely on your reflexes to snatch it away in that split second which defines the thin line between the perfect combination of coffee n' milk and a huge mess!

2. people that you've known very well all your life will turn against you all of a sudden and resort to low, underhand tactics if it's convenient for them even if it potentially means ruining your reputation.

3. I finally know the exact locations of each of the auditoriums in the academic block - a feat that I am understandably proud of because most people I know can only differentiate between the two floors. Oh n' this addition to my knowledge is all thanks to my director :)

4. when you spend 12 hours a day with people you've never seen before, you do tend to bond.

5. the khoka coffee will burn your hand reaaalll bad if you don't use a double cup.

6. even though it sounds impossible, there do exist people who can manage, organise, handle the most absurd requests and problems, deal with weird delegates and their issues, listen to constant bickering around them and still run their part of the show so very efficiently and smoothly, without raising their voice at anyone even once throughout the five days! *points to her director again*

7. people you've known for only two days can turn out to be truly inspirational - the way they'll go out of their way to stick up for you is amazing, especially when you mean nothing to them because they don't even know you all that well. (this one is actually for one particular person who i love for being on my side on the whole committee-changing issue...even though she probably doesn't even know why the issue was so important to me and how much her support meant!)

8. spray paint does set off the fire alarm :P

9. ms-powerpoint isn't a useless software; it has so many more functions than I ever fathomed!

10. it's a pretty good feeling knowing that you were able to ensure that a deserving person got some credit, even if it was indirect, for all the work they've done...and an even better feeling knowing that by doing so you robbed someone else, who's a mere pretentious act, of some limelight :D (and I swear that having a father who's a journalist wanting to conduct several interviews has absolutely nothing to do with anything i just implied! hehe)

11. the football field is huger than it seems! (anyone who doesn't believe me should make several trips to the warehouse...I'll be stunned if they still disagree!)

12. first impressions are often false.

13. paper cutters do not destroy textured carpets. (again, anyone whose view differs is welcome to try it out for themself in SC-2!)

14. some cats are extremely destructive, disgusting, totally un-cute and too stubborn to be scared of human beings.

15. the female population in lumun can all, with the exception of me of course, prove to be extremely blind and ridiculous when it comes to going crazy over a particular guy! (remember the 'Counter Terrorism' committee director anyone?! for God's sake ladies...ab tu saarey maan jao that he was not hot!!!)

*sigh* but at the end I hafta say that lumun was probably the most fun I've had in a long, long time (a probable reason could be that I just have a very sad life) all I need is the courage to start speaking up in front of a room full of people, and then I might have the guts to enter the intra-lums MUN next year!...I seriously doubt it though...*sigh*


Blogger Blink said...

ok im sooo glad abt 10...u goo i hope the pretty pretty pciture wala actually reads this..:P
and as far as sanzar not being hot goes....ur blind...thts the only explantion!!
Tht coach frm bend it like beckham n sanzar are the only two chittaa hotties out there!!

December 18, 2005 1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

btw, you're right, i've been to all these blogs with a thing about lumun..
so which school are you from? :)

December 18, 2005 2:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahaan, i did my alevels from lgs defence..:) i know what a big thing debating is for grammarians...
thanks again, for dropping by.

December 18, 2005 5:18 PM  
Blogger Shiza M. said...

I am sorry for not replying...there was NOTHING i could say...NOTHING happened and everything arround me is still as messed up as it was..:(
I love your blog though...the last post made me cry..*sigh*

December 20, 2005 12:48 PM  
Blogger Sadaff said...

ok 1st thing, i love your blog title!its awesome, for some reason reminds me of pakistan.

oh and lumun sounds so much so many entries about it. seems like whole of pakiland, o i mean blogland was there.

December 22, 2005 12:32 AM  
Blogger Saad said...

hmm... got most of the things... didnt get a couple since i wansnt directly involved... and yeah ms powerpoint is pretty useful ;)... lumun was a lot of fun :)

December 23, 2005 1:51 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lumun must have been fun though i wasn't directly involved, i have a pretty good idea of the whole picture. good job on the this is far the best entry i've seen on ur blog, probably cuz this is kinda different from ur usual writing style. this obviously doesn't mean that the oher entries weren't well written, in fact ur last entry made a lot of sense to me and gotta say keep ur spirits up yaar cuz some ppl r just not worth al the attention.

December 25, 2005 2:22 AM  
Blogger Blink said...

hahahahah....*points at rabia and laughs*

May 23, 2006 4:39 PM  

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