Friday, April 28, 2006

I’ve been wanting to blog for the past many days but somehow the effort of sitting down in front of the computer to type out a post seemed too heavy. It’s an odd feeling because I’ve always used writing to purge myself…sometimes it’s the only escape when life is going too fast to handle. So it’s kind of unsettling to feel afraid of writing. It’s a new feeling and one that doesn’t worry me, but it scares me at times. What if one day I wake up to find that I can’t even string together enough words to come up with a non-academic sentence?! What will there be left then…

I’m not trying to sound morbid. Merely realistic. I wonder if practicality makes me a realist? I still don’t understand so many of these philosophical terms per-se; perhaps I need to start paying more attention in class instead of seeing how many song lyrics I can fit in the smallest margin of my note-book while everyone else is discussing issues which they deem far more important but most of which I, frankly, find a lot less interesting. Not because I’m plain stupid but because I don’t propound myself to be an ‘intellectual’ (whatever that word is supposed to mean!) in a way that I’m not…I’m sorry if I don’t quote Ghalib in every second point I raise, or use religion as a scapegoat for every opinion I have or speak without caring if it’s relevant to any matter at hand! Today there seemed to be a general consensus on the claim that you need to have pain in order to understand happiness – in other words, you need to know one emotion if you want to realise its opposite. There was some dissent, but most people seemed to agree with the proposition…it got me thinking and I still can’t relate to it completely… hurt is hurt and happiness is happiness – what more is there to it?

But, in the end, it’s all words. It’s all just darned words. Meaningless letters forcibly adjoined to give names to the unfathomable. Don’t think I am underestimating the power of a single word even…words are my own domain. I relish within them, and am lost without them. I toy around with them as much as I want, and they won’t let go. I know they won’t stop being mine – ever. I hold them sacred, revere them, glorify them, breathe them…and yet, they fail me.

They fail me, and leave me helpless. And then feelings within cannot find expression. Misery and anguish remains rampant, desire and want cloaked, ecstasy and wonder useless. I want to but I cannot word my anxiety. I cannot explain my concern, nor even show it. I care and I care and I care… but it is all left futile.

Concern, love, adoration…all rendered useless. Never reaching the person they are meant for. Lost in the middle of nowhere. Diluted and forgotten. Like rivulets of sand shimmering through fingers and carried away by the insensitive winds…leaving nothing, not even their scars…


Blogger Unknown said...

...and it is always refrehsing to hear from you...and there is so much goin on in your head...there is uncertainties...there is doubt...there is conflict...and i know what u mean whatever your writing...and im here for you...if ever you need to talk...btw which batch are you...Sopho???take care and hit me back

April 28, 2006 7:24 PM  
Blogger Blink said...

Seem to be so many floating around u cant help bumping into one every day!!
Words...they might be just letters stringed together but somehow they end up having more power than deserved!!

April 29, 2006 11:37 PM  
Blogger Shiza M. said...

I loved this post..i feel like i travelled to the back of your head and back.
Today i noe you will be fine.

April 30, 2006 2:50 PM  
Blogger Saad said...

Hello in the blog world again. :) this post reminded me of somethings, but all that I'd like to write here is that being intellectual for that sake is not good... but think about this, comforting yourself with false promises over and over again can also be bad. I think I'll write something on my blog now. tc

May 04, 2006 11:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.

May 16, 2006 7:10 PM  

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