Wednesday, February 15, 2006

My soul had been stirred...

Today I re-learnt the beauty of music. It was a lesson worth the wait.

I sat there watching in silence. Feeling like an unwanted beginner being introduced to a new world. Feeling like an intruder breaking into sacred ground. I didn't want to, yet I thought that I should probably leave. But something compelled me to stay. It took a few minutes for the enchantment to begin...for the magic to touch me.

First, I had been watching. Then I went on to listening. But now I saw. The pulsating beat of the drum as it provided the backbone to the music. The drumsticks spelling out its guidance. The bass echoing its accompaniment, its vibrations low and soothing. And the guitar. So apparently different and yet so close to the steady beats. So complicated, yet so simple if you just stared at the fingers...caressing the strings ever so gently, but knowingly. Stroking them so lovingly, yet unyieldingly. Almost as if gliding over the guitar, giving it sound. Slow, and then fast. Ever so fast. Flying over the strings, up and down...up and down. Leading the magic. Steering it single-handedly. And then the room itself. Merging the three sounds together as if they were meant to be. As if they were, in reality, simply one. Untainted. Ethereal.

Those few minutes probably passed by in a little while. In that short time, I might've lived an eternity... and then returned to earth. The feeling is inexplicable; the emotion unfathomable. Still. It came for its time, and it took me away with it. To soar. To imagine. To dream. believe.

I wanted time to stand still. From now until eternity. And then some more. And it still wouldn't be enough. The purity of those moments were undiscovered till then. Unknown to me. I remained as still and silent as I had been since I sat down but deep within, it was just as different... heart dipped and soared uncontrollably, spirit roused with a mind of its own. Fear and serenity became one, while happiness and misery were no longer two separate words. When melancholy was painful, yet peaceful. When music became agony. And I realised that agony was beautiful.

My soul had been stirred.

And just as suddenly, it all ended. The music stopped, and the magic of the moment faded away. Back to other world where it came from. It was as if I had woken up from a dream only to find myself back in the same world. The same place as always. The same people as ever.

I was back to the same despair, the same helplessness, the same hurt. The very same. A few moments later, the music started again. But I knew that I had lived my time in that room. Now, it was time to leave.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fascinated... music does that to the soul. Are you sure there were no other effects either? It isn't only the soul the music touches.

February 15, 2006 8:37 PM  
Blogger Reeny said...

I havent read this post. will come back and comment. yes u can link me. i'll link u too :P freshie.

im at lums. working on my witchcraft presentation. will reply sahi terha baad main. :P

hope ur doing okay. say hey to ur mom :P i wonder if she still remembers me.

February 15, 2006 9:28 PM  
Blogger Saad said...

Glad you enjoyed it. Now you know why I waste so much time on the guitar. It's not only addicting, it soothes you. somehow. :)

February 15, 2006 11:20 PM  
Blogger Blink said...

wasnt in a blogging mood...
aalot of crappy things mixed up!!!
im ins choool rite

February 16, 2006 10:53 AM  
Blogger Blink said...

i just found this hilarious cheap mnushy profile on orkut of two lovelorn ppl whooo areee extremely chep
ill send it to u nd u ull feel better!!

February 16, 2006 10:54 AM  
Blogger Shiza M. said...


February 16, 2006 6:34 PM  
Blogger Zakintosh said...

lovely post. beautiful writing.

August 05, 2006 7:45 AM  

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