Saturday, January 14, 2006

déja vu

Last night as I lay awake in bed for countless hours, unable to fall asleep, the sounds of the world gradually began to fade away until they eventually plunged into eerie silence; finally, only the ticking of the wall-clock remained and it soon became ominously loud. I needed to go to sleep and I wanted to as well, but it was as if some mysterious supernatural force was preventing the much-needed slumber. As I continued to lie there in complete silence with the sound of my own breath ringing shallow and ragged in my ears, the futility and frustration of the situation took me back to another time, just months old...

...sometimes the accident seems like it was a whole lifetime ago, so far away from reality that it may never have happened. Other times, it feels like the nightmare was merely yesterday, and the loneliness and fear of those days become hauntingly alive all over again.

Last night, it was the latter.

Suddenly, the flood of terrifying memories rushes back uninvited and unwanted, threatening to overwhelm. The screams that pierced that night now reverberate their unwelcome echoes in my awaiting ears. The image of blood, red and glorious, gushing down the face fearlessly - and almost gracefully - flashes past my eyes once again, leaving me nauseated yet thankful. Each recollection that follows is equal in its grotesque vividness and painful reality.

The misery and confusion that engulfed over the next few days now resurfaces to capture and suffocate again. The realisation of being stranded on an endless, deserted plain with no one to hear the desperate pleas for help returns. I am still held captive by the same shackles that now strain to confine me as I beg for freedom...for mercy...for humanity...... none is granted!

Finally, silence reigns once again.

As the first notes of sunrise begin to appear, the room is gently stroked in the tender, warm hues of morning. I turn to stare into the mirror and the faint yet harsh traces of the scars etched across my face glare back stubbornly. The doctors said they would disappear soon; I knew better even then.

Often I look up to the skies and ask, "Is this all really how You meant it to be?" Unconsciously I wait for some sort of an answer, but none comes.

Sometimes I think even He doesn't have the time to listen to me anymore.


Blogger Shiza M. said...

thats one aawsum post!!!

January 15, 2006 2:03 AM  
Blogger Blink said...

*blown away*
*raises eyebrows*
*mouth hangs open*
All hail rabia malik

i hate worldcall for doing thinking of calling n complaining....u shld do the same...put pressure on them..::P
aur yaaar...i ownt be showing up onlin cuz bhai key mids hain...toh u knw how he is!

January 15, 2006 5:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i know for sure that i won't ever be able to know how exactly you felt at the time, but i certainly knew then and know now how much pain you were in . and i have to commend you on your courage cuz i got to see the way you handled it all. probably you know but still, it wasn't easy for anyone in that house(u know which house i am talkin about)to see you in that condition.we all are extremely thankful that it was nothing worse than believe me in those three nights i had the time of my life but i know that you stayed up with me even in that pain. so thankyou for that and all the other stuff too, that you have eit done for me and for always letting me talk about things i want to get off my chest.God bless you!

January 15, 2006 11:56 PM  
Blogger sashonie said...

my dear, just because you can't see a response, doesn't mean He isn't listening. It just means that you need to heal, and the scars need to fade, and that takes time, and pain, and a little patience. So wait a little- you'll get an answer, i promise. it always comes. And when you see it, you'll notice that it was there all along.

January 18, 2006 3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this Teacher Nabila's daughter?

January 18, 2006 11:17 PM  
Blogger deranged_lunatic said...

anonymous: who are you?? please at least use your name so i know who's commenting on my blog :) thanks

January 18, 2006 11:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would probably never know what you are talking about...but, I dig what you wrote ;-)

January 19, 2006 8:51 AM  
Blogger BrainSyke said...

last comment was me. I ain anonymous

January 19, 2006 8:51 AM  

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