Friday, January 06, 2006


I’ve always believed that regret is one of the most difficult and torturous feelings one can have to deal with. Ironically, knowing this has never caused me to give myself less opportunities to regret something I said or did – or lack of them. Even when I have pondered over the possible dire consequences of something that I want to do and I know it’ll definitely prove to be a risky venture, all of a sudden I’ll give in to all resistances and plunge ahead…even if it means that I might spend the next few days or weeks drowning in wretched regret. I often do.

The latest case of my troublesome spontaneity occurred only yesterday, so tonight is just the beginning of another long haul of wanting to bang my head in the wall purely out of frustration and anger at my own idiotic ness. I spent two whole days, prior to yesterday, simply weighing my options – should I not take any risks and just live without knowing the truth about something that has been irking and puzzling me, or should I succumb to my insatiable curiosity in order to proceed with my careful sleuthing? It sounds terribly vague right now, but I dare not delve into the grotesque details :) The risk of losing the battle of wills to my curio may sound even more foolish to an impartial observer, but to me it mattered a lot– and still does! The fear of creating a false, untrue impression of myself in front of someone who doesn’t know me well was supreme; the opinion they would be bound to form of me after my little inquisitiveness-session would certainly be derogatory, and I would be unjustified to blame them for it. So… in other words, I had a lot to lose, and next to nothing to gain…

Knowing all that, yesterday I faltered – as usual!! I purposely caused someone to think I am strange and peculiar… and just plain weird! Most people I know will say that I shouldn’t care about what other people think of me, because their opinions don’t matter…I already know that! Usually, it really doesn’t make any difference. But sometimes it does. With some people, it’s just different. What they think of me does concern me and I can’t help it…

But I lost the chance I had…I caused a permanent scar, which I know I will regret for a long, long time. The regret shrouds me tighter and tighter like a relentless vise that does not let go, no matter how much I beg and plead. It is suffocating, it is merciless. I try to forget and run away but it does not let me. It mocks at me as I raise my hands in desperation, begging for it to go away. It jeers at my futile efforts to wipe it from my soul…it is immortal, invincible in its unparalleled glory…...

while I am only human.


Blogger BrainSyke said...

Is this about a girl/guy you like?
coz my narrow observation after browing through you entry does compell me to believe it simply might be that. details are irrelevant, because I sinrerly hope you manage to untangle those emotions and sort those thoughts in good time!

January 07, 2006 3:08 AM  
Blogger Shiza M. said...

Goodluck at dealing with your are rite it is the most difficult to deal with..
most frustrating..
and yes you are rite the best part abt kara was that we went together..:)

January 07, 2006 2:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all Rabia. You have a remarkable facility with the language and i read your blog with a feeling akin to incredulity that someone so young can write so well. Keep it up.

Secondly. You were there at Kara? Which movie did u see? I saw 4.

January 07, 2006 4:47 PM  
Blogger sashonie said...

silliness girl. there are no regrets after good movies are watched.

i want to read something profound when i get back to lahore, so make it good (btw, this was good)

ps: can i link you now?
pps: eid mubarak!

January 08, 2006 3:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

interesting and so very you. ok i know im one of those ppl who are goin to say forget it. others opinions really dont matter so im not going to say that this time. rather i'd say, don't worry you'l get over it. we only regret to learn from our mistakes. prbably yo won't do it again.
p.s.the latter part is all bullshit, i'll still say stop worryin yaar there are better things to worry about , though i have no clue who you are talking about here otherwise i usually do.

January 09, 2006 1:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heyy!!...well i was reading shiz's blogs..and when i ran out of them i started looking at the blogs she reads,having nothing better to there i stumble upon ur blogs...and reading this blog....well made me feel as if i was listening to myself....i mean the regret thing and all.....i went through the exact same situation a while ago...and well i was so surprised to see all my feelings in words!!..:D...i couldnt have expressed myself better!!...
so the whole point is kay now i know kay i'm not the only one who feels so strongly about having regrets in life...i just detest that...and yeah my friends tell me that too...kay dont care wat ppl say...but ur does matter a lot sometimes...and well i really liked the way u expressed ur feelings!!...

January 09, 2006 2:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

heyy!!...well i was reading shiz's blogs..and when i ran out of them i started looking at the blogs she reads,having nothing better to there i stumble upon ur blogs...and reading this blog....well made me feel as if i was listening to myself....i mean the regret thing and all.....i went through the exact same situation a while ago...and well i was so surprised to see all my feelings in words!!..:D...i couldnt have expressed myself better!!...
so the whole point is kay now i know kay i'm not the only one who feels so strongly about having regrets in life...i just detest that...and yeah my friends tell me that too...kay dont care wat ppl say...but ur does matter a lot sometimes...and well i really liked the way u expressed ur feelings!!...

January 09, 2006 2:08 AM  
Blogger BrainSyke said...

Im no mind reader. Your expression of emotions do lend themselves to a lot. Since no guy so verbosely expresses oneself, id think your a gal, and talked about a guy. I am impressed my your ability in writing.

January 09, 2006 3:51 AM  
Blogger deranged_lunatic said...

fariha : hehe, yeah u have no idea who/what this is about and i have no intention of telling u either so lay off! ;)

alina : thanks a lot for the comment! u know, i think that a lot of people go through similar situations...i mean, a lot of us actually go through this whole thing of so much still sucks though! hehe...n' thanks for visiting :)

January 09, 2006 1:32 PM  
Blogger BrainSyke said...

yea ,right!?:-P

January 09, 2006 7:56 PM  
Blogger Blink said...

woman...ims orry havent been online for a wHILE!!
acha sunoo...nxt time u come online....w'll ltk abt all this...

January 09, 2006 11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not fair to share our conversations on line.i thought you knew me well enough to know that i really didn't mean to bug you about this. i haven't ever really bugged you about these things.and if you want evidence, i'll give you that when i meet you. and i know that you already know this, but still in case, im not mad at you.

January 16, 2006 12:10 AM  
Blogger Zakintosh said...

as always, a surprisingly mature style for someone so young. fascinating.

January 25, 2006 7:56 PM  

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