Saturday, September 16, 2006

If Hala knew I'm writing this post just for her I s'pose she'd expect me (mind you, EXPECT..not merely want, but actually be audacious enough to expect!) to say that the sun's stopped shining down on lums, the birds have ceased their merry chirping, the clouds seem dreary, the trees have lost their swagger and the whole campus is no more bright and cheerful! Tall order, ain't it? But that's exactly what you get when you're dealing with Hala...the whole deal, whether you like it or not. In fact, the more you don't like it, the more likely it is that you're stuck with all of it - the tongue-biting sarcasm, the complete inconsideration of your feelings, the air of superiority that gazes down upon you...and the thick, thick skin which no one (well, almost no one :P) can get under!

Consider all of that and it's quite likely that you'll feel foolish for telling her that she shouldn't go. Or rather, you'll very seriously believe that I must be reasonably insane for telling her that she shouldn't go. Umm, you might actually be right...I'm still working on that one!

But regardless of the wiseness of what I said, I did say it. And mean it.

She left anyway.

About 8 months...that's about all I've known her. And 8 minutes is about all it took for her to make clear that 'twas the genrosity of her regal spirit that permitted her to shine her attention upon us lowly subjects the very first day I was introduced to her. Intimidating...I know!

I'm glad to report that the haalaat improved considerably soon after. Not that the sarcasm ever went away for long enough to make me feel comfortable; rather, the more she got to know, the more she used me as a not-so-loyal subject to sharpen her tongue on.

And it's not even as if I never gathered any ammunition against her. Of course I did. Very soon, in fact. Maybe even more than she had. The afternoon talks in the pdc during the 'juma' break, sitting on the pdc wala footpath, the msn convos, the visits to the e-lab (:P :P :P), the summer-quarter afternoons in the DRs...conversations that often tended to revolve around the same person - again and again. And then a few more times. (For the record, just to prove the unfairness of life when you're in Hala's world...I'm still not allowed to even try to hit on him even though she's gone and will be flirting with every good-looking gora she sees. Also, again for the record, I won't say a lot more that I feel like 'cause you never, never know who just might someday visit my blog and read more into the lines that I'd be safe with...Hala kee tu khair hai, but meri achi bhali izzat khaak mein mil jaye gee..hehe.) The teasing, the matchmaking, the encouragement to look into other options (haha...too many of those to recall, though one in particular I still think is suitable! :P), the half-serious lectures on "hala, ab insaan ban jao..kafi hu gaya hai!", the so-called philosophical discourses on whether 'love at first sight' can truly ever possibly exist, (I'm still not so sure, despite all her theories), trying to convince hala that the light of her life and the love of her life should be the same person, trying to understand why that wasn't/isn't/won't be possible so easily...*sigh* I could rant on and on for quite a while, without making much sense to anyone else. But I do know what I'm talking about :)

Hala, if you read this...two things. First of all, do not dare to leave this page without leaving a comment (and a NICE one, mind you! Yeah surprise surprise, I can be rude too once in a while!). And second of all, I know you're gonna be back ;)

But after all the raving and ranting, after all the jibes and sarcasm, after all the teasing and threatening, there's one thing which, much as I hate to admit, has turned out to be true...

Ever since Hala left, the sun has been shining just that little bit less on lums, the birds' chirping is that little bit less merry, the clouds are that little bit more dreary, the trees have lost that little bit of their swagger...and the whole campus is that little bit less bright and cheerful.

*sigh* I guess you can't have it all in life now...can you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Baree zabardat post thee.

I tagged you, btw, if you think you want to do it on your blog. No compulsions, of course.

September 16, 2006 10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

umm this aint hala.. you can be either glad or surprised.. its a far worse entity ..:P

most of the post i can somehow associate with.. its definitely the person i've come to know in the few (?) years i've known her.. the tempestuousness, the falling in love over and over again, the thick skin and wanna-be-sharp tongue..:P

[i bet hala wants to kill me once she reads this comment..]

p.s. sorry about leaving this post anonymous, but i promise i'll tell my identity once hala has commented on the post too.. i dont like anonymous comments either, generally.. :P

September 17, 2006 12:52 AM  
Blogger deranged_lunatic said...

@ anonymous : i actually considered the possibility that you're hala and are just trying to arouse my curiousity since she knows how incredibly easy that can be..hehe. despite that, i'm willing to cast my suspicions aside for the time being and trust that you will reveal your true identity soon! now if only hala would stop being so annoying and actually visit my blog!!! :)

p.s. whoever you are, thanks for stopping :)

September 18, 2006 10:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my defence:
a) I do not flirt - I merely have an exuberant nature
b) I admit I'm a matchmaker, but its a package deal - comes with being female and a Pakistani and then I do have an indepth and surprisingly accurate knowledge of human nature.
c) Sweetheart no one, no one I repeat, is interesting enough for me to have repeated conversations revolving around them. Its all about me remember?
d) And finally thank you for proving to the world all that I have had to put up with - I swear, discretion naam ki cheez ka to aap ko pata hi nahi na?

And now for the niceness - you'll understand why I left it for later - after all, it is the hard bit :P

The sun is shining brilliantly here, the birds are chirping "merrily" (your disgustingly cheery word not mine) and the occasional squiirel runs across the blooming garden. But you know me - who wants this? I miss the dust and the rain of Lahore and the noise of the dorms and the clatter of the pdc the concrete, paved, dirty, smoke infested university I spent last year in.

And I always knew you were dumb. (forget CS 192 :P) Don't you realise that all of you are the light of my life?

September 19, 2006 4:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And that is a really corny phrase - who came up with it in the first place? Yay mujhey Atiyab ya Sahar ka kaam lag raha hai...

As for annonymous - I think I know who it is, not quite sure.

This is Hala by hte way, and the previous one as well. (thought I'd clarify as I just pointed out in my previous comment how dumb you are).

I need to open a blog - maybe I'll use blogspot?

September 19, 2006 4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey.. the first anonymous again.. and damn, Hala guessed who i am.. so might as well confess..
btw, i definitely think you mistook my sister for someone else when you wrote all the bits about nature changing.. :P THAT much of an effect? :P

September 20, 2006 3:05 AM  
Blogger Blink said...

AWWWW...Friends leavingg...Im alll too familiar with the concept
oh and back on blogspot

September 25, 2006 5:52 PM  

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