Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I'm not so audacious as to claim myself to be someone who has tons of amazingly close friends or anything; quite the contrary in fact. However, I am sure of one thing and that's the fact that I'm not a fair-weather friend. Never! If I genuinely care about someone then I'll go out of my way to do anything and everything for that person. And the trouble is that, more than often, I learn to care too easily. And trust too quickly. Somehow or the other, I always manage to attach myself to people way to soon for my own good. I know it, and yet I always end up doing it. I hate myself for that. And then, even when I know not to, I tend to have expectations from others. It's stupid, especially since I know it's my own fault if I get hurt, but I just can't help doing it...it's a horrible feeling, but it is what it is and maybe I can't change that...

Sometimes, I honestly wish I could just turn back time and remain a little kid for ever. Even a few years backwards might do the trick. Back to when the most intriguing issues in life were being unbeatable at dodge-the-ball, being on the netball team and spending hours playing throwball at school, be it June or December. When it didn't matter that you didn't have one or two special, 'best' friends because it wasn't weird to hang out with everyone. When no one judged you for being overweight or loud-mouthed, and no one cared that you had bad skin, unruly hair and non-existent interest in the latest fads and fashions. When school was not a cut-throat competition, rather it was just a place to have fun and get good grades without studying hard. When the fact that guys existed in the world couldn't matter less to you because they were less important than the most meaningless creatures in the world. When the biggest fear on a week-day was not how to have the courage to speak up in class and score CP, because it was much more difficult to stay still and keep quiet in class for more than five minutes. When the word 'heartache' was something you thought you knew without realising that you hadn't the slightest idea of what hurt could actually be. When you'd laugh your head in ridicule if someone suggested that one day you'd be sitting in a room full of people, attending a philosophy class, physically present but otherwise withdrawn, with meaningless tears blurring your vision every now and then because you just wouldn't know where to go... because you just wouldn't know how to handle it... because you just wouldn't know if it was all even worth it......

As childish as it sounds, sometimes I just want to go back to being the happy-go-lucky person that I lost track of...sometimes I wonder if I've really forgotten how to not care about people who don't care about me...sometimes I wish I never had to grow up...

...sometimes I wish I was the Peter Pan who makes it to Neverland - never to grow up and never to come back!


Blogger nims said...

a beautiful way to express how u feel and how u think,it describes perfectly dat life is and can never be perfect
sumtimes wishes just remain wishes till death for they are something not written in our destiny.
life is all abt twists and turns and facing them is da challenge we face

May 16, 2006 1:42 AM  
Blogger Reeny said...

Aap itni intelligent kyoon hain?! You have my frikkin cell phone number!! All it takes it rs 0.29 to text me your address! hahahaha. FREAK!

May 16, 2006 3:33 AM  
Blogger Reeny said...

oh and my paper was just okay. nothing too good. yours? i havent even touched philo! and i so dont want to!! have you?

May 16, 2006 3:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice colors. Keep up the good work. thnx!

May 16, 2006 7:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

May 16, 2006 7:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

ahhhhhh well...gone are the good old days...
i love this piece...
take care...
and i finally figured who u were...
cos i saw you today...
take care

May 17, 2006 2:44 AM  
Blogger Saad said...

are you really doing yourself any good with this? just think about it. i mean writing it and all is great because you need to vent it out somewhere and this is the best way possible. but i know that it doesnt stop here for you. seriously, if you keep living in the past, you will always be depressed, you will never have hope, you will remain miserable.

seriously try to get out of this phase as soon as you can. remember one thing. you are alone. i mean you may have friends and everything but in the end you have to look after yourself. friends can only help to a certain point. learn to take care of yourself and stop being afraid of menial things. if you dont care about how people feel then speak up in class. if you dont care how you look then stop worrying yourself. chill karo! and set new challenges for yourself. idealising something in the past will never help you progress as a person.

think about it.

May 17, 2006 11:16 AM  
Blogger Shiza M. said...

I can totally realte but i guess at the end of the day all you can ever do is put up a face and pretend to move on.

May 17, 2006 4:17 PM  
Blogger Blink said...

We're freakishly alike thinkerss...and i cna relate to u
but i hate the place u've brought urself too...and i feel bad OK!!!
Stop it!!!

May 17, 2006 4:36 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

well i was with saad then...we were goin to the e lab...and the other day i saw you at main boulevards signal...you were seemingly with your mom then...eitherways...
you neve cease to flatter me...
sometimes it would do me justice to know where i lack...
sometimes i feeel i am too monotonous...
all i want to do is do justice to myself...
otherwise i would lose myself...
take care

May 18, 2006 4:22 AM  
Blogger mh said...

i thot i'd spew forth some b.s about cp sicne in the bgng at lums, and in fact in my endofschoolyears i was gng thru smthng similar. i wanted to say stuff, felt strongly abt stuff etc. and hated WITH A PASSION when ppl b.sed abt things that to me were imp! and the only way you can not feel guilty for keeping quiet, and at times correcting or even checking others, is if you pseak your mind. your ideas are what ganis you respect malik the rabia in class at least. 'acoss at the end of the day you are the sum total of your ideas, and ideas include feelings. so u need to believe in your ideas and and so by extension yourself, which u do as is quite evident :) and then say it. and give not a rat's ass for the faces ppl may make or the sounds they may emit. b'coz the ones who do are the ones who're insecure abt themselves. and threatened by YOUR superior coolness. and the supposedly cool intellectuals are, by default, ALWAYS ALWAYS the pseudos.
here's a strategy that helped: think it's just ua nd teh teacher in class. engage the teacher, forget those idiots even exist. frankly, the level of most ppl in class/es deserves to be ignored. i'm sure you've noticed, most of the ones who speak are the real bullshitters.

May 19, 2006 1:00 AM  
Blogger mh said...

here's something else that helped me: wallowing in nostalgia is attractive b'coz it's easy. and self-pity is as evilly easy and at times the convenient thing to do. i know b'coz i've been doing a lot of that lately. but know being happy requires an active effort. happiness won't come to you. it's there (out there;)) you must go to it. look for it in corners and at bends. it's not everywhere.
the past: feel blessed and happy. you're lucky you have a past you're fond of. there are many who don't have that luxury. just an uncertain future. and an uncertainty that may very well cripple. but u ahve that past to fall back on. truly, you're blessed.
on which note, we must make frandship. pliss to add me on orkut. and msn. don't worry, i don't phasao girls ;)

May 19, 2006 1:06 AM  
Blogger Stray Angel said...

Do what you must. It's a phase and it will pass. Right now, it's okay. Let the feelings flow. It doesn't help to keep them inside. Analyze, over-analyze, analyze again. Whatever helps you figure it out. The friends bit..I agree with Saad. But I think you already know that. I know its hard accepting that you're the only one you can trust to stay forever. I should know..I trip over my facts every other day.

Keep well.

May 22, 2006 12:39 PM  
Blogger Blink said...

rabia Malik..we have issues!!!

May 23, 2006 5:16 PM  
Blogger Faisal said...

thanks for the words...this is my first time publishing and they mean a lot. i've been reading your blog for a little time now and i'd have to sayn that i am a fan.
As far as your post goes. i completely agree with you. to hell with saad gulzar. what your doing is indulging in a little nostalgia. whats self-destructive about that. and what makes your depiction of those 'yesteryears' even more morbid is the fact that we are in lums!

May 23, 2006 5:56 PM  
Blogger Shiza M. said...

when do your exams end?
Me and you need to talk.
Lets have a sleepover or something.

May 23, 2006 10:30 PM  
Blogger Shiza M. said...

And did you actually change the way i was referred to on this blog!!??
From future politician I felll to plain old shiza malik??!
I am insulted.

May 23, 2006 10:31 PM  
Blogger Kill 'Em All said...

i havent read ur blog in forever! but your last entry...i could've been the one saying each and every ONE of those words. literally. i'm not exaggerating.

growing up is seriously overrated. and so are guys. and thanks for hanging in there.

btw, i'm sorry, but i've kind of forgotten who you are :P i know its a very rude question but ummn, a/s/l? :P lol

PS: This is ShahBano, http://spaces.msn.com/esbeerox/

ur blog doesnt allow anonymous comments so i'm using a friend's account. sorry.

May 23, 2006 10:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahah rabia! it's you!
God, I read almost through your ENTIRE blog, and I could never've guessed in a million years that its YOU!
Yaar pakstudies se maut waqaye honay wali hai...lol...pray!

May 24, 2006 8:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yaar do you think, do you honestly think that the "he turns away when he sees me and changes his path" is a luminite phenomenon?
it's happened to me too! ^_~
and yeah, it hurts. like hell.

May 24, 2006 10:39 PM  

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