Thursday, August 03, 2006

Past, present...and future?

I need to redefine the word ‘family’ in my mind’s dictionary. Somehow I was naïve enough to believe until recently that the word includes your parents, siblings and your relatives. After all, they’re the people you grew up knowing… the friends you never had to search for, the people you trusted implicitly, who you’d stand up for and fiercely protect without a second thought, who’d love you for the person you really are, who you looked up to for guidance and ideals, in front of whom you never had to put up an act because they’d never judge you since they knew the real ‘you’…sometimes I wonder why I never realised that none of the façade was true.

Sometimes I laugh at myself for being such a simpleton that I actually believed that the sanctity of such a relationship would be as important to everyone else as it’s always been to me. Maybe I should thank the Lord for showing me the truth much before it could cause any permanent damage. Knowing what people think still hurts, especially when they don’t have the courage to say it out loud, but not knowing would hurt even worse…life has gone back to erecting an invisible barrier around oneself to shield against all of those people who smile with their lips and not their eyes, because their eyes look only with suspicion and greed…

Lies that have been repeated over and over again till the point where they become stale beliefs..accepted without question, revered without understanding. Hatred that has been etched so meticulously that its falseness is no longer an issue anyone would pay attention to. The pretence veiled so skillfully beneath layers and layers of hypocrisy that no one would ever guess their true intentions…their real motives…the lies, deceit, narrow minded beliefs… maybe the fact that I somehow know is no mere coincidence; maybe the person that it’s all meant for somehow knows. I’ve played my part in the disgusting circus by acting nonchalant and unconcerned, perfected by months and months of practice to the point where my subtlety and complete lack of feeling has begun to convince myself even. I know it’s futile, yet I remain shrouded within the dark cloud of indifference because it’s the easiest escape route. The only escape route.

I have to go on fighting – quietly, stealthily, alone. I have to. I have to. To hang on to the last thread…the only thing keeping me hanging from the brink. Of insanity.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i never knew about the hypocrisy of family until the trouble with Abbu.
it was the best time to know who all were sincere, and who all weren't. it was shocking, but the genuine outnumbered the others, so i was happy. :)
hang in there, love. been ages.

August 04, 2006 9:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are too young to understand your own self let alone people surrounding you. your impression that peolpe close to you would know the real you is again an unrealistic expectation.....we have to understand ourselves completely before we go and understand anyone else. It is a long tedious process which demands time to process the acquired knowledge and gain wisdom. If you can read and understand urdu well I would suggest you read Ashfaque Ahmed and Mumtaz Mufti. The latest and last book by Late Ashfaque Ahmed is 'Zavia'. It might answer some of your quries about people and life but you syill need to experience a lot before you find yourself and during this time never ever indulge in self-pity.

August 04, 2006 12:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohh DL, I think that's one of the essential rites of passage in growing up, realizing that the relatives you trusted so blindly are actually nothing like what you had imagines them through childhood's rose coloured glasses.
You hang in there!

And so happy to see you back on blogging as well as my blog. Had been wondering where you had gone and whether you needed another phone call out of the blue to get you back into action ;)

August 04, 2006 6:59 PM  
Blogger deranged_lunatic said...

@ saima : thanks for your comment. i don't read a lot of urdu, for no good reason except that i'm too slow at reading it so i'm not patient enough to deal with entire books, which is shameful but true nonetheless :) nevertheless, i've read a bit of both authors that you've mentioned, and i've heard tons about them and their writing from my parents so i think i kinda get what you're talking about :) but other than that, i don't believe i ever talked about really expecting to 'understand' other people, including relatives or even myself. i just never imagined that people who share your flesh n' blood can actually be callous and ruthless enough to want to go out of their way to harm you and ridicule's not just degrading, it's downright disgusting! but oh well, i guess even that can count as part of learning to understand other people, so it all makes sense at the end of the day...thanks again for stopping by! :)

August 05, 2006 12:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha, holidays are going bas okay...
and no, im NOT the kind of person who wants classes to start. classes at lums are very tough and thats the last thing im looking forward to..:)
kher, why dont u add me on msn?

August 05, 2006 12:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha sure...waiting for rubab then ;)

August 05, 2006 9:50 AM  
Blogger Saad said...

As they say, you can choose your friends but you cant choose your family!

August 12, 2006 12:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rabia. Please participate in this favourite books thing that we are doing and also ask any other blogger friends who may be interested. Check out my blog to get what i am saying.

August 12, 2006 12:14 AM  
Blogger mariam said...

Heh. Good to hear from u! glad u liked that post! theres a strange excitement in knowing that somewhere..a stranger identifies with what I've written...

Anyway, why so glum?

August 13, 2006 1:40 AM  

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