Friday, June 23, 2006

ghazab kiya teray vaade par aitebar kiya, tamaam raat qiyamat ka intezar kiya

Running the shampoo through my hair, I suddenly realised I was doing it almost aggressively - almost as if I needed to wash out more than just the dirt; almost as if I was unconsciously trying to dig down into the thoughts inside the head and throw them out as well, and cleanse myself of all false dreams and thoughts. As if I was attempting to rid my mind of all futile hopes and scrub viciously until there was nothing left except a small, scared bit of me facing the 'real' world.

In those few minutes I somehow realised what I had to do.

It's been over a week and I've been trying my best to follow the mind rather than the heart. I'm not sure how long I can keep up the facade. Maybe, I'll be so convincing that I'll fool my ownself one day and believe that I never felt anything for you. Or maybe, fate will choose a more cruel path and never let me forget.

It took me a minute to decide eventually but weeks, or maybe months, of turmoil before that to get where I am now. At some level I probably always knew that nothing can ever happen. Nothing should happen or will. Ever. But, ironically, often knowing something doesn't help to understand it quicker. Or better. It even took me a week to gather the courage to write because writing somehow puts a cruel aura of finality on the whole situation.

Writing is no longer an escape route to purge myself, it's a confrontation with the fear that I always pretended never existed.

Yet it was always there. Lurking in the deepest corner of the soul, threatening to conquer at the slightest indication. One day it had to be let loose. It was probably just a matter of time. A mere matter of time. I can't be anyone significant in your life. That's all there is to it. Maybe because I'm not good enough for you, maybe because it's just not meant to be, maybe because...I don't even know. I never will. Because I'll never let you find out. Not because I'm scared that you'll ridicule me or never talk to me again, but because I don't want to embarrass you. Or hurt you, if there's the slightest possibility of that. You mean too much. Still.

No, you'll never know and I'll keep on greeting you every day, or every other day, with a smile because I'll still be genuinely happy to see you. That won't change. I'll still care. As much as I possibly, humanly can... and then some more. I don't know if you're worth it or not, but I will nevertheless. I swear you'll never know the hurt that you unknowingly caused. Regret later? Perhaps. Probably, in fact. But I still will. But no more false beliefs or notions of what 'might' happen one day. Because it won't.

I'm trying to think of it as just another fork along the road of life, and I have to take the left side or the right. Not a decision between the 'right' and 'wrong' path according to me, because I don't know what is right or wrong anymore. The difference between the two is more blurred than ever. So I won't even try to discern it anymore, or try to make myself understand or accept anything. I just need the strength to go on. Stand at the fork in the road and walk along the path that you need to I keep telling myself. After all there have been countless decisions I've already made in life. Deciding between one route and the other. We all do it. It's just another one of those instances where you think for a moment, decide and then, walk on with life...

There's just one small difference between all those times and this time. As always, I'll walk on. Past the fork in this road and, as always, the world will see me travelling further along.

But, this time, I'll have left my heart behind...


Blogger Blink said...

Following ur mind....thts all u shld do actually!!!

June 24, 2006 3:21 PM  
Blogger Blink said...

garmi hai itni

June 24, 2006 3:59 PM  
Blogger Shiza M. said...

Dont lissen to rida..follow your heart and you too will believe in prophecies being fulfilled.

June 25, 2006 8:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you almost love like i do. :)
i stopped dreaming as well, but tell you what? when things begin to seem blurry, you dont have to stop dreaming or let go at all.
just dream with an even greater fervour. i know that he might not be the one you might end up with, but remember, whosoever you end up with, will be someone you love even more than him. you dont know about your future but Allah does and He loves you too much to let you settle for something less than perfect.
And whenever it appears that things wont work out, remember...He's got the power of "Kun Fayakun". When He wants for something to happen, He just says, "ho ja" or woh ho jaati hai.
chillax. relax. dream.
have faith, love. *hugz*

June 25, 2006 9:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shahbano, i so wish Allah loved me too. ;)

And Rabia, moving as always.

June 26, 2006 12:02 AM  
Blogger Blink said...

dudeeeeee....shiza ki mat sunoo
nai actually listne to her she does has amazingly brilllait plans kabhi kabhii

July 04, 2006 10:17 PM  
Blogger vintage said...

cant say it's going to get better or you'll find someone else and everything will be alright. because i really really dont know.

what i can tell you is that be patient, will yourself to feel because the sooner you do, the sooner you'll come to terms with it, concentrate on getting it out of your system and becoming better. life doesn't end here, you know that.

somehow, with every person who manages to touch our lives, we leave a part of ourselves with him/her and eventually move on... not quite whole, but than not quite incomplete either. someday you'll feel happy that you knew how it felt to be ruled by someone, even if for a short while than to not experience that intensity at all.

for now, * hugs *

July 08, 2006 10:44 PM  
Blogger Faisal said...

You write well, why not writing these days :)

July 13, 2006 1:32 PM  
Blogger mariam said...


It's a pity i found you
a pity we both took notice
its not like we were meant to be,
not like we will ever be
But sometimes our laughter does bring hope
hope to you and me
You seem so far away sometimes
its hard to even see
that is when i feel so silly
silly enough to dream
dreams of wanting you by me
But i guess i still love what we have
the way we always meet
its always to do with what we've learnt
Irony does, but gleam
You ask me what the scene is,
and i can't seem to tell you just what it might be..

July 15, 2006 2:24 AM  

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